A cheerful heart is a good medicine.
Proverbs 17:22
"101 Simple Secrets to keep your Hope Alive
This is one of my favorite books to read. It uplifts my soul.
Everyday it has a new inspiration.
We all need to laugh more, it is good for our soul, mind and body.
Think of things that make you smile or laugh. Mine is my 4 year old, all I have to do is look at him and I smile. He is so full of life and he makes me laugh. Children are so precious. Thank-you Lord for my baby.
I love to watch a funny movies, like "George of the Jungle" for one, always makes me laugh and smile.
I love to walk on the beach, all I have to do is picture the beach in my mind and it makes me smile.
So Laugh, Love and Enjoy your Life.
Spring has begun, yeah!!!
God Bless You,
Mom's Misc. Adventures
Lisa's Gluten-Free Advice and Healthy Living
I agree. Love and laughter are cures for so many of lifes woes :)