Thursday, April 29, 2010

Friday Follow April 30

Want more followers?

Follow others and they will follow you.

Click on one of these host sites for instructions.

One 2 Try, Hearts Make Families and Midday Escapades

Do you have a giveaway going on? I have added a linky to my blog just for you to add your giveaway links to. Link Your Giveaway Thursdays

It is not to late to add your giveaway.

Enter my Giveaway, Easy Lunch Boxes Review and Giveaway. Goes through May 12th.

Have a blessed weekend.

Blogger Chix Designs

Blogger Chix Designs is hosting a Button Blog Hop!!!  So, if you want to swap buttons with other bloggers this is where you want to be!  Check out the guidelines below and enter your link!


1. Grab the Blogger Chix Designs button and put it on your blog/blog roll (first link on the list).  Leave me a comment while you're there and I'll grab your button and add it to my blog roll too!

2. Add the blog hop list (instructions below list) to your Button Swap Blog Hop post on your blog.  Be sure to include the guidelines so all the buttons you swap with others will be returned by them grabbing yours as well. *Be sure to include your button's copy code in you Swap Post.

3. Link your blog post up to the blog hop.  (You only need to link up once and it will show up on all the hop lists on all the blogs participating).

4. Then start visiting the other participants!  Grab their button and add it to your blog sidebar or blog roll, and leave them a comment telling them your visiting from the BSBH party!  Be sure to return the favor to anyone visiting you.

*Tip for having lots of buttons swap success - don't wait for others to come to you, go to them first!*

Mom's Misc Adventures

Lisa's Gluten-Free Advice and Healthy Living


  1. Stopping by from Trendy Treehouse's Follow Me Friday to say Hi! I am a new follower! Great blog!

  2. Stopping over from Blogger Chix Designs I've added your blog button to my side bar!You can come over to my blog and see it.

  3. g33kinp1nk @ The Freebie AddictionApril 30, 2010 at 3:50 AM

    added your button from the swap. Hope you'll return the favor.


  4. Hi I grabbed your button too! Pretty button you have;)

  5. Mary Beth @ Live. Laugh. Make SomethingApril 30, 2010 at 8:46 AM

    I'm stopping in from Trendy Treehouse and have become a follower. I would be honored if you choose to do the same!

  6. Happy FF! I'm your newest follower. I'd love it if you could come visit/follow me at

  7. Jo's Health CornerApril 30, 2010 at 9:51 AM

    Hi Lisa,
    Great to see your second blog. I am grabbing your button..
    have a great weekend!


  8. Stopping by from the Button Swap. Grabbed your button and gave you a GFC follow. Pls. stop by my blog and say hello :-)

  9. Forgot to leave my blog addrss!

  10. Can't remember if I commented here or not. If not, hello there...I've grabbed your button and am a new GFC follower.

    Stop by and say hello :-)

  11. hi, stopping by from the button swap blog hop, i just grabbed your button and put myself on your google friend connect list!!
