This week I want to introduce you to Maria from Fitteds and Pockets and Snappis, oh my! She has a wonderful mom blog. She writes about cloth diapers and organic products. Also writes reviews and giveaways. I encourage you to go on over there and check her blog out. Here is some information on Maria and her blog.
1. Please tell me a little about yourself.
My name is Maria, I'm a stay at home mom to a Kindergartner and a 15 month old!
2. What leads you to blog and how long have you been blogging? I started my blog in November as an outlet and something to do for myself! It's grown from there and I'm having a blast.
3. What is your blog about?
I started my blog as I switched to cloth diapers. Cloth diapers and accessories are still my main focus, but I've expanded to other green/natural/organic/earth-friendly products for kids, baby, mom and home. I offer advice on cloth diapering as well as reviews, giveaways and some blog advice thrown in here and there too!
4. What is your favorite blog post?
Hmm...I had a lot of fun writing about making homemade yogurt, but I also love Mailbox Mondays posts, where I answer reader questions! Questions don't have to be limited to cloth diapers, I'll answer just about anything you're wondering (as long as you're nice!)
5. Do you have any other blogs you author? Please tell me about them. I'm a regular writer at The Village of Moms. I started out with some guest posts about cloth diapering, but now that I'm a regular part of "the village" I'll be writing about baby wearing, cloth wipes, recipes and crafts for kids as well as being frugal!
6. Anything else you would like to share with me ?
In addition to my weekly Mailbox Mondays post, I have a weekly Friday Giveaway Roundup where I list cloth diaper, accessory and baby wearing giveaways I've found. The post includes a linky where bloggers can enter any (not just cloth related) giveaways they have! I have a post with great places to list your giveaways, which I update regularly. Lastly, I have a review archive where you can check to see if I've already reviewed a diaper you're interested in!
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Thank-you Maria for sharing your wonderful blog with my readers and I on Mom's Misc. Adventures. It is an honor to have you here.